The Sunday Mail Transurban Bridge to Brisbane 2021
The challenge
After a COVID-induced hiatus in 2020, encourage event registrations to the 25th annual Bridge to Brisbane through promotion of the new route, Early Bird entries, general entries, sponsors, VIP charities, pre-event stories, on the day and post-event stories across earned, owned and paid marketing and communications.
The clever idea
Utilise integrated communications to drive event awareness, interest, excitement, and attendance to the event through storytelling across a diverse range of mediums to engage with past and new audiences. Pivoting and re-strategising was key throughout the campaign, with unforeseen scheduling challenges due to the complexity and sheer size – to pull off Australia’s largest community event since the start of the pandemic.
446 positive media hits
Reached more than 83.8 million people through editorial content
Reached 1,231,498 people through social media activity
16,064 new users to the website lead from organic social media 2.3 million ad impressions through paid social campaigns with a 14.77% conversation rate
Achieved 944 registrations through paid and organic social media
Developed and scheduled 62 content pieces across EDM and blogs throughout the campaign period
Over $1 million raised for charities and 27,000+ registrations – Queensland’s largest community event since the start of the pandemic