
Mining Technology Launch
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The ask

Unveil Auto-Mate’s ground-breaking mining technology to Australia.

The clever idea

A commanding and unique new brand identity that would make Auto-Mate stand out from the rest, particularly during the lead-up to, and during the annual Diggers and Dealers’ mining forum. Various digital touchpoints and a custom augmented reality experience commanded attention from over 1800 mining delegates and press, touting Auto-Mate’s new mining technology as being on the forefront of industry.

The results

Successfully launched Auto-Mate to the Australian market, unveiling it to 50+ national and international media titles

Developed and executed a comprehensive digital strategy that included a paid and organic social media, SEM, remarketing, and lead capture strategy

Designed an augmented reality touchpoint to create a highly interactive lead capture tool at the mining forum

Designed full suite of creative assets including launch campaign video, new website, physical and digital forum collateral, social media content, and more

Client testimonial

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