Lung Foundation Australia National Safe Work Month Campaign

The ad campaign that exhaled success for Lung Foundation Australia
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The challenge

Australians working in high-risk environments are often unaware of the long-term risks to their lung health. Through a lung health identification quiz and resource link clicks, our task was to create an awareness campaign that would place an emphasis on the dangers of working with hazardous materials and encourage workers to take proactive steps to safeguard lung health.

The clever idea

As Lung Foundation Australia identified that high-risk workers are likely to feel apathy or discouragement surrounding their own lung health, we positioned the ad campaign to target loved ones to drive external pressure and understand the importance of their lung health. Leveraging the timeliness of National Safe Work Month, we strategically targeted the ad campaign through social media ads to encourage the target audience to complete the lung health quiz and download online resources.


The results

7,700 + campaign webpage views directed from paid and organic social media

538,000 + unique users from paid ads from targeted and lookalike audiences

1.25M + ad impressions from the social ad placements over the campaign

2,045 quiz completions

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