Ipswich City Council

The ask
As the largest redevelopment of the city center, to date Nicholas Street Precinct (NSP) needed an identity and voice to match – one that excited and unified Ipswich as it becomes the city’s leading lifestyle, leisure, entertainment and cultural hub.
The clever idea
We took a comprehensive look at who Nicholas Street Precinct are, who they talk to, what they dream to do, and what they want to achieve for Ipswich residents now, and into the future. After this in-depth branding workshop and brand audit, we built an identity, tagline, archetype and personality that would guide all NSP communications and touchpoints. To set a north star, we developed and implemented a tone of voice and brand style guide, accompanied by an entire suite of collateral and photography for use across digital channels along with an all new website.
The results
Thank you so much for helping us bring the Ipswich City heart back to life through the refreshed new look and website. We love the energy the new colour palette and tag line brings to all that we do and the versatility to adapt it to our dynamic spaces.
33million+ people reached through earned media coverage across national, metro and local press targets
44k+ people reached through paid social campaign
Facilitated the delivery of 43 community submissions to inform the Queensland Parliamentary Inquiry
Championed the voices of 7 ambassadors from the Sikh, African, Islamic, Chinese and Jewish, community, inspiring others to share their own stories
Designed and developed community engagement resources in various languages including campaign video, social assets, FAQs, promotional flyers and participant forms
Activated 22 Safe Spaces across Queensland through launch awareness and on-site support across South-East Queensland